Starting Solids Program

The VIRAA starting solids program is a comprehensive 1:1 program with Sonal.

You can opt for this program when your baby is around 5-6 months old getting ready to start solids. The program is 3-4 months long and is tailored as per your and your baby's needs.

Rs. 18,500.00

About the program

This program will include:

1. Education and support on baby psychology, baby nutrition, key essentials of starting solids techniques and implementation support
2. Starting solids feeding techniques and implementation support.
3. Supply of guides on nutrition, groceries, recipes, time-table guidance and methods of preparing foods for baby

1. Support on balance between breastfeeding / formula feeding and transitioning to solids
⁠2. Support on puree foods introduction
3. Support on finger foods transition
⁠4. Support with starting solids related products
5. Guidance on balancing both techniques (spoon feeding and BLW) with nutrition in mind
6. Bottle feeding guidance and support needed with formula feeding or pumped breast milk feeding
7. Month by month guidance which foods to introduce first and which later.
⁠8. During this introduction which foods to not introduce at all, which ones to introduce systemically will be covered
⁠9. Allergens (9-12 foods) systematic introduction including which ones to introduce first, how to manage them and how to slowly start incorporating them in baby’s regular diet
10. ⁠During this transition of switching from one type of solids to another guidance on foods to focus on to help baby not get constipated will be covered and including constipation relieving foods

1:1 Care
Video calls with Sonal every 10 - 15 days
Detailed 60 mins discussion
Continuous Feedback
Access to support group

What you will gain from this program?

By the end of our program, you will have greater confidence in offering real foods to your baby, a better understanding of how to read your baby’s hunger cues, the skill of balancing milk and solids transition, and most importantly, increased faith in your ability to manage things effectively.

How it works?

After you purchase the program we set up our first call with you to understand your situation and tailor make a program for you and your little one's needs.

Mother's who have benefitted from VIRAA
The best investment I made. Had been a picky eater all my life, but never knew it could have been prevented. So happy I choose this program for introducing Solids to my daughter.
— Sharon Smith
Absolute gem this program is. Felt so lost about introducing solids to my little one but then Kelly and Sonal saved the day. Amazing guys blessed to have you in my life.
— Suhani Vashishth

The information on is for general knowledge only. Viraacare does not provide professional advice, including medical advice, to individual users or their families or children. Nothing on the site, regardless of the date, should ever replace direct medical advice from your doctor or other healthcare professional, including but not limited to nutritionists and experts in child feeding and eating. By using, you acknowledge and agree that you are taking full responsibility for your child's health and well-being. In exchange for providing you with a variety of content on "baby-led weaning," you waive any claims that you or your child may have as a result of using the information on